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This section contains quite a vast collection of easy-to-understand explanatory manuals, practical guides, and best practices how-tos covering the main themes of this website. It takes the reader through everything "financial" from the very basic to the more advanced and sophisticated. Tutorials walks visitors through hypothetical and on-hand examples, step-by-step problem solving, in-page embedded links to definitions and other sources, contextual comparisons and illustrations, and much more.
The following list includes a number of latest tutorials handpicked from different sections. For tutorials on a particular topic, please navigate through the left-hand menu under either essential or advanced tabs.
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Featured Tutorial
Unwinding a Swap: a process of terminating a swap by marking it to market and calculating its value in order to determine which counterparty has a positive terminal value. This counterparty will receive cash payment from the other counterparty whose terminal value is negative. A major technical consideration in unwinds is the stub period. If this period is at the beginning, then it needs to be handled separately. Suppose an investor is a counterparty to a swap with a remaining life of three years and eight months against six-month LIBOR. This gives him six even periods (six months each) and one partial (2 months). First of all, the value of the partial period should be calculated separately...
Featured Definition
Mid-Swap: the reference rate which is used to calculate the premium that a bond buyer will pay. Adding a spread to a reference rate is one method to value a bond....